
How to visit Guadeloupe without a car

*This post contains affiliate links from So you’ve scored a good flight deal to Guadeloupe and are ready to take off for your tropical vacation. Yay! There’s just one problem: You don’t drive. Or maybe you do drive, but the car rental prices in Guadeloupe are out of your reach (Are they really though? […]

Cruise in Guadeloupe

Cruise ship visitors’ guide: What to do when you have just one day in Guadeloupe

It’s that time of the year again – cruise ship season! Guadeloupe will be receiving its first cruise ships of the winter next week already. It feels like just yesterday when the last season ended, though it was back in March already. The previous cruise ship season was a busy one for me. I started working […]


Guadeloupe after Hurricane Maria

Just over a week ago I wrote about Hurricane Irma’s visit to Guadeloupe, which was largely uneventful. Little did I know then that Guadeloupe was about to get hit much worse by another hurricane, a beast named Maria. Whereas Irma passed Guadeloupe from a fairly large distance, Hurricane Maria was another story – at one […]


Life after Norwegian Air

So last week it happened – Norwegian Air left Guadeloupe! As these new low-fares flights between Gwada and the East Coast of the US are currently only seasonal, we were forced to wave goodbye to the last aircraft a week ago on Sunday. With only crew onboard, it departed first for the Azores and from there […]


Here I am – welcoming you to Guadeloupe!

Great news! I was just featured in the new travel blog of award-winning American journalist Terry Anzur. Her blog is called “Strangers in the Living Room” and there is a series that introduces various globetrotters to the world. I was the first person to be included in this, woohoo! You can click below to read […]