
Guadeloupe after Hurricane Maria

Just over a week ago I wrote about Hurricane Irma’s visit to Guadeloupe, which was largely uneventful. Little did I know then that Guadeloupe was about to get hit much worse by another hurricane, a beast named Maria. Whereas Irma passed Guadeloupe from a fairly large distance, Hurricane Maria was another story – at one […]


Five Reasons You Need a Guidebook for Guadeloupe

As you may or may not know, I’ve traveled to more than 80 countries so far. The great majority of the time I have hit the road without any kind of a guidebook – I’ve figured that I want to explore things on my own and to make my own discoveries along the way. Having […]


Here I am – welcoming you to Guadeloupe!

Great news! I was just featured in the new travel blog of award-winning American journalist Terry Anzur. Her blog is called “Strangers in the Living Room” and there is a series that introduces various globetrotters to the world. I was the first person to be included in this, woohoo! You can click below to read […]